COERR Kanchanaburi Office organized the World Peace Day Ceremonies in Ban Tham Hin in Ratchaburi and Ban Don Yang in Kanchanaburi Province. Religious ceremony marked the opening of the Day.
Peace building among refugees is the goal of the activities. Youth and children are the targets as they are the important unit of the society so peace and reconciliation rely on them who are the future of mankind.
In Tham Hin refugee camp, the World Peace Day celebration was organized with the cooperation of Community-based organization (CBO), Karen youth organization (KYO) and Karen women organization (KWO). Around 1,700 refugees participated in the celebration. Music, drawing, singing, poem writing, etc. on the theme of PEACE DAY were outstanding activities.
In Ban Don Yang camp the activities concerned the campaign about “PEACE is…… ”. The Elderly, Youth and Children groups were participating in the music and cultural presentation. Moreover there are drawing and composition contest and sports competition. The performances of Peace Music Group and Child Friendly Spaces group as well as contest of Mr. and Miss Peace were also the highlights of the celebration.
Success of activities was due to good preparation and coordination of COERR Healing and Reconciliation staff and refugees, especially the Peace committee, in the organization of the World Peace Day.